3 Recipes (“strings”)

(Note: to see the full list of steps of the Zentangle® process, choose this link.)

In cooking, we use our “container” with our “recipe” … In the Zentangle method, we use our “border” with a “string” (see previous step)

what’s a String:

A string is what we draw with pencil to divide the area in the “border” into at least 2 sections.

  • It can curve, zigzag, twist, loop, whatever you want.
  • It is usually un-complicated.
  • It can even be a recognized shape (like a tree or heart or image).
  • It is a suggestion from which we depart any time we choose.

optional, get more info:

or… just Do it!

  1. Use a graphite pencil, size 2B
  2. Draw your string (using a very light touch)

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