
Using Different Grids

Grids (networks created by intersecting lines) are the foundation for many tangles and patterns. ‘nZeppel This tangle designed by Maria Thomas, is a versatile pattern that is based on a grid. For more info, see Melinda Barlow video #68. In this post, I show ‘nZeppel on 4 different grids, next to one another so they […]


Labyrinth – tangled

what is a Labyrinth? A meandering path, often unicursal, with a singular path leading to a center An ancient archetype dating back 4,000 years or more A central feature in many of the European Roman Catholic churches in the middle ages and many of these still exist today Something to enhance right-brain activity A metaphor, […]



Definition: Inspiration: “that which inspires; the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.” in Action: In 2014, I was inspired to start an Art ministry and to teach the Zentangle method. Then, we expanded our focus to include other drawing and painting techniques. We continue to be […]