2 Container (“border”)

(Note: to see the full list of steps of the Zentangle® process, choose this link.)

Often I am inspired to create something, but rarely do I have a clear picture in my mind of what I will eventually create. At one time in my life as an artist, this embarrassed me. I was often too afraid to even try. But not any more!

without fear, Begin:

No mistakes with the Zentangle process, so nothing to fear. It has been hard to break the habit of trying to achieve a pre-conceived result. But it has been worth it. In Zentangle, we have no goal other than to let the process happen. So, having expressed gratitude (see previous step), we relax and:

  1. Get supplies
  2. Make a “container” to get some pencil on your paper!

to make a “Container”

With pencil (no need for rulers or other tools), draw a “border” around an area on the paper by:

  1. lightly drawing one dot inside each of the 4 corners
  2. lightly joining these 4 dots.

next step: