Why “Patterns”?

life can seem Chaotic:

… until we recognize its patterns.

Patterns are an outward manifestation of an ordered structure and are clues as to how things are organized and connected. By studying patterns and their connections at all levels, we are better able to appreciate and understand living organisms, non-living objects, and our world.

Bill Graham “Nature’s Pattern: Exploring her Web”

learning can Overwhelm:

… until patterns are recognized.

Study of pattern … allows us to bring together mathematics with music, visual art and craft, vocabulary building, creative writing and verbal communication, social studies, science and environmental studies, talent and technology.

Dr. Merily Buchanan, “Pattern Power” NRICH, part of the Millenium Mathematics Project, University of Cambridge

why draw Patterns?

In addition to improving drawing technique and being an enjoyable activity, drawing patterns practices skills that are useful in any non-drawing activity, including:

  • A willingness (even desire) to hunt for patterns.
  • The ability to recognize patterns.
  • Methods for deconstruction — taking patterns apart, to understand elements within.
  • Processes for construction — creating patterns, by connecting its individual elements.

… back to What is “Tangle with Trish”?